Friday, 30 April 2010

get those garden stakes in!

29 April 2010
By Melanie Newman, Hannah Fearn
With the general election only a week away, Times Higher Education spent a day on the stump with three academics running for national office. Migration, social responsibility and public lavatories were all hot topics - but what about higher education policy? Melanie Newman and Hannah Fearn report from the hustings


Anneliese Dodds is canvassing at two sheltered-housing blocks.

Her phone keeps ringing: a batch of campaign leaflets has been printed with a hotline number that is "all zeros", so everyone is calling her mobile instead.

At the same time, Roger Hayes, an experienced campaigner who is accompanying her on the round, is nagging her about "stakes" - roadside posters - that have not been set up.

"We had some weightlifters helping out; they've put a lot up," says Dr Dodds, a lecturer in social policy at King's College London, who is standing as the Labour candidate for Reading East. Mr Hayes seems unsatisfied.

Many of the two dozen or so sheltered-housing residents who open their doors to Dr Dodds are undecided about how they will vote.

One resident tells her to go away. Another can't talk because she is cooking and "all oniony".

A third says that he is "voting Greenpeace", as they are going to raise his pension. He has clearly confused the environmental action group with the Green Party.

Higher education remains firmly off the agenda, while the closure of public lavatories is a recurring issue.

About a third of the residents are staunch Labour supporters, although not all recognise Dr Dodds.

"You look fatter in your photograph," says one, "and your hair's different."

Most of the candidate's supporters agree on one thing: they cannot stand David Cameron, the Conservative leader.

"He's so cocky," says one. "He'll look after the rich, it's always the same."

A floating voter invites the academic in to make the case for Labour.

"I could never vote Tory because I come from a small mining village," she says. "I've always voted Labour, but I think it's time we gave the Lib Dems a go."

Dr Dodds warns her that Reading East is a "tight marginal" between Labour and the Tories.

"But nobody addresses the important things," the resident says. "I paid tax all my life, now I'm being paid my pension and I'm being taxed again. No other country in the world taxes you twice.

"And I read the paper the other day and somebody was saying they were proud to be on benefits. You can take the 'great' out of Great Britain, and you can blame the politicians for that."

"I agree it's difficult if you've worked hard," Dr Dodds says. "But things would be better under Labour than under a Tory government."

The resident finally agrees: "All right Anneliese, I'll vote for you."

Back at the office, Dr Dodds' campaign coordinator Harry is frantically cleaning up.

"I've just had Special Branch here. We've got a minister visiting at 1pm tomorrow."

"I can't do that; I've got to be at work," Dr Dodds says, disappearing downstairs to write her speech for a hustings that evening.

draw your own conclusions. I know exactly where Anneliese was and some of the same people are probably still there, especially George.

the leaflets with the wrong phone number - take a bow, Mr Howarth.

of the two journalists by-lined in this piece (from the Times Higher Education Supplement) one is known to me, in fact we spent Christmas together, but the other one wrote the piece about Anneliese. Good on you Roger for all the work you do - getting any help from the boys? Thought not.

Immigration is another concern. "We're swamped," says a pensioner. "Sometimes when I go into town, I think I'm the only British-born person here."

Basher trashes Anneliese

here is what he has to say about the Eddie Izzard visit to Reading:

Yesterday something special. Its been in the papers so its not a secret.

Went with a some Uni students to see Eddie Izzard speak in support of the Labour Party. A great way to spend and afternoon.

Eddie was really refreshing, not too much gas and very straight forward, he should be standing for election.....

What's wrong with the parliamentary candidate you've got in Reading East Basher?  Sour grapes, think it should be you?  A week before the election and you start saying you'd rather have Eddie?  Srsly, leaving aside the abominable Howarth-esque spelling and grammar, why on earth did you do that?

Thursday, 29 April 2010

le singe est dans l'arbre

French schoolchildren learning English (which they are about as successful at as English ones learning French) learn an equally meaningless phrase (the title phrase means "the monkey is in the tree" for the linguistically challenged) namely "my tailor is rich".  Nobody knows why.  Pictured is the great Eddie Izzard, in Reading to support its Labour candidates.  Reading East.  Of course.  Is there another Reading constituency to get your picture taken in? But the Silly Boys haven't updated their website (which STILL says Martin Salter is "your Labour MP" despite my pointing out this blooper some time ago) and neither has Nasty Naz, in the latter case for about 11 days.  Oh dear.

is this the first lolcats election?

did you know too that there is an online citizens' project to translate the Bible into lolcats?  (God is Ceiling Cat)

Wednesday, 28 April 2010


well, forgive me here in "far-flung" (as Mr Salter used to call anywhere that was not in Reading East, including most of Reading West) eastern France for being out of touch with events in Dear Old Blighty, but (a) what did that Mrs Duffy actually SAY?  I have not seen any reports of what inspired Gordon to call her a bigot.  I wonder why?  Surely if her remarks were reasonable and pleasant and constructive we might have been allowed to hear them? and (b) what was Gordon doing in Rochdale of all places?  Trying to win it back for Labour?  after Lorna Fitz's glorious record?

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

he's not from Borneo

but someone who was at university with him says his nickname there (Warwick I think it was) was "Wild Man".  This is the man who is in charge of the elections in Reading.  Don't forget to vote.  I won't.  If my ballot paper gets here in time for it to be sent back in time.

Monday, 26 April 2010

well, who did you think they would support?

now all the Tories need is to get the Master on side and the namby-pamby Doctor and his snivelling sidekick will be history

ask the candidates

in Reading to make a pledge that they will not, if they achieve control of Reading Borough Council, use council facilities for party political purposes.  Those who should know better have commented on this blog as follows

Wrong. It is been paid for for at least the last 7 years. What you did for Abbey Ward meetings in the 90's is ancient history.

24 April 2010 19:59

the point was about booking rooms in the Civic Offices.  It was in 2002, about seven and a half years ago, that a council officer's reply to a question from me revealed that rooms were being booked, free, on a regular basis for Reading Labour Party.  For the specific booking I asked about (made by Cllr Zim One Lovelock) an invoice was produced retrospectively.

they should have ignored my post.  Now they have admitted corruption in Reading Borough Council under Labour control, all candidates should be able to pledge that they will not, or will no longer, use council facilities for party political purposes unless paid for at the commercial rate.

Saturday, 24 April 2010


I thought readers would like to see the cover of this weekend's 'Le Monde' magazine - hein?

the eyes do not have it

I am to have cataract surgery on my right eye on 5th May.  Most people develop cataracts with advancing age, and are usually much older than me when they get them, the surgery to fix them is quick and simple to do I am told.  Apparently there is something hereditary here - my brother had cataract surgery two years ago and he is younger than me.  Anyway, from first realising there was a problem I had to wait five weeks for an appointment with the ophthalmologist who was recommended to me, but that was because he is semi-retired and does not work full-time, I could have had an appointment with another doctor the same week.  Then I had to wait a week for a consultation with a surgeon, because he was on holiday.  The surgery is to be done on 5th May, which is eleven days after I saw the surgeon.  Even now the standard waiting time in the UK is 18 weeks.  It is to be done in a private clinic and will cost 450 euros.  But if I were in the French state social insurance system I would have had the same appointment and the same surgeon with the same waiting time, the state system just would not have covered so much of the cost.  According to the Private Healthcare UK site the cost of a cataract operation on one eye in a private clinic in the UK is between 1,600 and 2,700 pounds.

An election is coming, I hope I will not be too bloodshot to watch the UK results on 6th-7th May, and I suggest the difference between the UK and France in health provision might be something that candidates and parties could consider.  And those on waiting lists in the UK could come here and have it done for 400 quid.  Worth it if you are losing your sight, hein?

a helpful suggestion

the Silly Boys website has "Your Labour MP Martin Salter" on its sidebar.  No he is not.  Has not been since earlier this month.  Quite some time ago.  Reading has no Labour MP now and frankly I will be surprised if in a legal and non-fraudulent election (you reading, Singleton-White, the fraudster's friend?) Reading gets a Labour MP for at least a generation to come.

they call him slim shady

you know who I mean, the great Eminem that is.  Oddly enough it was Shaun Woodward MP, who I do not think is a rap fan himself, though I could be wrong, who introduced me to rap by telling me that a certain Tory candidate in the 2001 election had the nickname Slim Shady, thereby inducing me to listen to the song, having never listened to Em before.  Through white rapper Em I came to others, and to me rap is 21st century poetry.  The best rap is done with humour - nearly all Eminem's songs are funny - and now I listen mostly to French rap.  Did you know that seven out of every ten rap tracks released worldwide are in French?  One of my current faves is a combo called "Sexion d'Assaut" (work it out) with a ditty called "Casquette à l'Envers",  which means "Cap on Backwards", but I digress.

I was interested to note that Shaun Woodward himself visited Reading recently, to give support to the Labour campaign.  Apparently he visited the office in the Oxford Road and Martin Salter was also there.  No mention of Anneliese, locked in the attic again I guess.  I remember those campaign rooms in Reading very well.  Packed with men drinking tea and watching football on TV and sneering at anyone who suggested actually going out and contacting people.

I am told that that is what Shaun did, without the sneering though.  Might be a nice idea to go out and meet the voters, people.  People?  Anyone? (sound of tumbleweed)

Friday, 23 April 2010

England's day

oh and happy St George's Day.  Did you know Shirley Temple was 82 today?

and we have the flag flying from our balcony today, though perhaps fortunately nobody appears to have noticed here in France

those desperate men

Roger Sym though is a decent bloke as I recall - the EC of Reading and District Labour Party is a poisonous nest of vipers.  It meets in the Civic Offices at public expense.  thanks Was for getting hold of this missive, keep 'em coming.

From: Roger Sym []

Sent: 02 April 2010 14:15

To: Roger Sym private

Subject: Actions from the EC Meeting on 1st April 2010

Dear EC Member

a) Election Base at 128 Oxford Road: People are needed to man it all day every day. Contact Harry Gregson on 07 521 210 155.

b) Reading Manifesto: The final version will be prepared by Trish Thomas, Ben Zielinski, Andrew Dunn and Pete Ruhemann, then announced in a Press Release.

c) Robert Owen has been able to submit Nomination Papers for nine wards so far.

d) Pete Ruhemann is producing the next Reading Banner to go to the Borough Wards.

e) Members are urged to keep writing letters to the press.

f) Ben Zielinski will continue to negotiate for the use of the Unison franking machine.

g) If the General Election is announced on Tuesday,

- members are asked to go to 128 Oxford Road on Tuesday and Wednesday to help with the first 48-hour campaign.

- there will be a demonstration of support for Naz and Anneliese around 5-6pm in Reading Town Centre (details to be announced).

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Reading West

Nasty Naz has not updated his website for more than a week now.  Has he given up?  Is communicating with the electorate no longer what candidates do?  And Anneliese is now pretending to live in Reading West, at an address I am told is that of Miss Lloyd, the cerebrally-challenged former assistant to Mr Salter.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Nominations have closed

as follows

Reading East

DODDS Anneliese Jane (80 Belmont Road, Reading RG30 2UU) – The Labour Party Candidate

EPPS Gareth Daniel (12 St John’s Road, Reading RG1 4EB) - Liberal Democrats

LLOYD Joan Rose (18 Silverthorne Drive, Caversham, Reading RG4 7NS) – Independent

PITFIELD Adrian Bruce William (19 Milton Grove, Bletchley, Milton Keynes MK3 5BJ) - UK Independence Party

TURBERVILLE Michael Jeffrey (15 Eastview Place, East Street, Reading RG1 4AW) - Independent

WHITE Rob (22 Cumberland Road, Reading RG1 3LB) - The Green Party

WILSON Rob (12 Oakley Road, Caversham, Reading RG4 7RL) - The Conservative Party Candidate

Reading West

BENSON Daisy (11 Somerstown Court, Reading RG1 7TY) - Liberal Democrats

Can't be bothered with the rest of Reading West, as it is a constituency in which I have little interest, just thought I would point out that she lives in Reading East. A fact.

vote very soon!

someone, who may be one of the Reading boys, has commented on the previous post to the effect that it is "disgusting" that I can vote in the UK.  I can understand people taking the view that you should vote where you live, and given the choice I would vote in France in national elections, but am not a French citizen so do not have that right.  But - "disgusting"?  Interesting choice of word.  Perhaps the commenter would care to develop the argument, or others would like to comment.  I haven't let the comment through because of some of its language.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

vote soon!

I am told that postal ballots will be going out from Lambeth on Friday, which does give me time to vote for Kate Hoey, which I am very pleased to do.  However as a resident in France but not a French citizen, I can only retain my vote in UK national elections for 15 years all told, and my residence in Lambeth, the last place I lived in the UK (and a fab one it is) becomes less meaningful as time goes on.  But that is another matter.

I have a colleague who is registered to vote in Reading West, and who will be doing so, I understand by proxy, and who is a genuine floating voter.  I wonder if readers can advise?  I have told him that if I were registered there I would vote Windisch, no contest, despite my disagreement with the Greens mainly on issues of foreign policy  However he will of course decide for himself.  I have another colleague who is registered in Cheltenham, and on researching the matter for her benefit I discovered to my surprise that the Greens are not standing there.  Cheltenham has had a LibDem MP, Martin Horwood, and the Greens are saying that he is excellent on their preferred issues and asking their supporters to vote for him.  Hmmm.

well hello!

if you look at Mr Salter's "website", which I did by mistake this morning, you will see this, that is "Hello, test message".  There are two of them, one called "Article test" and the other called "Blog test".  If you want to write articles or a blog on a website how hard can it be?  Test messages are not necessary.  Elementary competence will do it for you. 

Monday, 19 April 2010

it's catching

now that Martin Salter has disappeared from the Reading scene it seems that others have taken on the mantle - and the constituency map he used which led him to spend almost all his time, and all his photocalls, in Reading East.  Here is Cllr Willis rather entertainingly on the subject.  Regular readers will remember that Daisy Benson is similarly geographically challenged, going so far as to move into a property in Reading East while believing she was living in Reading West.

Oh dear.  Doesn't inspire confidence, does it?

Thursday, 15 April 2010

oh yes they did

a letter in His Master's Voice from Cllr Ruhemann can be seen (if your eyesight is good) to the left.  It seems that Cllr Ruhemann's and Martin Salter's previous support for development on Kennet Meadows has been spotted, and that Cllr Ruhemann does not like it.  He talks about a 1992 development proposal, which he did indeed oppose, but I would draw your attention to a paragraph towards the end of the first column (fisking mine in red), which says "much the same consortium came forward in 2002 and this time offered Reading council part of the meadows as public open space in return for dropping opposition to housing on the site, which you forgot to mention Pete,  We were sceptical so sceptical that you and Martin Salter went all over the media shouting about "homes for people" but they seemed initially to be offering some protection to the Meadows though it soon became apparent that they intended only to leave us who was "us"? the Reading people who would like somewhere to live? whose interests both of you had been loudly promoting in the media?  no, you'd forgotten about them already and were just thinking of your committee-room councillor chums a narrow strip to the north of the canal."  He goes on to talk again about the 1992 scheme, and having begun the letter by describing the previous letter stating that he "strongly supported the developer's programme" (which is true) as "libellous", ends by saying "I won't sue him, but he is wrong".

Go on Pete, sue.  Pete?  Pete? (sound of tumbleweed)

desperate men

in the words of the immortal Bob, very slightly amended gender-wise by me

"Gentlemen, she said
I don't need your organisation
I've shined your shoes
I've moved your mountains and I've marked your cards.
Eden is burning
So get ready for elimination
Or your hearts must bear the burden of the Changing of the Guards".

"Changing of the Guards" from "Street Legal", 1978, just before he got saved.  Brilliantly covered by Patti Smith too.

Cllr Willis thinks they are desperate too.

Antony Flew

died last week, I learned from Oliver Kamm's blog.  As any fule kno, he was a philosopher who lived in Reading (East - he came to see me on several occasions and our discussions were always interesting), and whatever else, he made a significant contribution to philosophical thought.  He is probably most remembered for having moved in his last years from atheism to belief in intelligent design - Oliver Kamm hints that he was not perhaps gifted with the intellectual acuity of his earlier years when he made this step - but there was more to him than that, and I am glad I had the opportunity to get to know him and his wife a little some years ago.  I hope he will be remembered in Reading.  I do not hold my breath for the Reading Evening Post to publish an obituary of course, they have not had a press release from Martin Salter to guide them, but it would be nice to be able to think that Reading remembers all its eminent figures, not just the cheap demagogic ones.  Antony Flew was very much on the right politically, and I do not think there are many other philosophers who support UKIP, but partly through some things he said to me I have tried to read Sidney Hook, who wrote among other things Towards the Understanding of Karl Marx: A Revolutionary Interpretation - I even bought a book of his essays, but I am not clever enough to understand them.  Any readers who can help will be thanked.

a thoughtful moment

a correspondent has been following with some interest the besieging of Reading by government ministers, as have I.  I was pleased to see that this time, unlike in 2005 when Martin Salter scuppered his visit, Jack Straw actually had some people listening to him in Reading East.  Anyway, this is what the correspondent has to say, and I think they are right.

in one photo, JS was framed by both candidates.

In my view, as per bloody usual, the Party has listened to Salter and his ridiculous gobbing off about increasing the majority in R West and re-gaining R East.

They didn't listen to the truth about Reading and Peterborough in 2005 and previously and look where it got them?

Peterborough now reduced to 2 Labour councillors - one an ex Tory Muslim defector and on target to come third, and Reading East lost because of the selection and protection of a sex offender.

I suspect that Rob Wilson will increase his majority and Reading West is already a goner. But it was ever thus and that is why we are on course for Tory landslide.

Peterborough and Reading are bellwethers for what is wrong with the Labour Party nationally - unfortunately
I know, I know, I have always said it would be a hung parliament, and a lot will hang on tonight's debate, but still...

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

why vote Labour?

here is Norm

David Hare invites Neil Kinnock to explain 'why on earth I, or anyone like me, should vote Labour next month'. What defence can Kinnock offer to people 'like [him]self' disillusioned over Labour's support for the Iraq war? In the course of answering Hare, Kinnock says:
And remember, the constitution has been changed. No prime minister in Britain will ever be able to go to war without the endorsement of a majority of the House of Commons.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Tony Blair had such an endorsement. But for 'anyone like' Hare, that parliament voted on the war wasn't good enough; it should have voted as 'anyone like' him demanded.
In any case, if being 'anyone like' David Hare means thinking the invasion of Iraq was a major war crime, I'd say they shouldn't be voting Labour. Perpetrating major war crimes is a serious matter, and if you believe that governments should be answerable for what they do, you ought to hold them answerable for that at least. Consequently, 'anyone like' Hare who does nevertheless vote Labour reveals that his or her talk of war crimes or of bringing Tony Blair before a court somewhere is just so much hot air.
Not being 'anyone like' David Hare, I for my part will be voting Labour, as always.
Me too.  And let's all remember, as we elect our new MPs, that an MP is not a delegate but a representative.  There is a difference.

it's diseased

I am always interested to read Rob White's blog, and this post presents me with a couple of insights.  First that when the Conservative candidate for Park ward, John Walker, was about to drive the wrong way along Cumberland Road Rob put him right, instead of doing what most politicians would do, and certainly what the Reading boys would do, which is to let him drive the wrong way and then tell the media about it, preferably also taking a picture on his phone which clearly displays the number plate of his car.  So if you needed another reason to vote for Rob in Park, apart from stopping the violent thug Basher McKenzie from getting elected, you have it here.  He is not like the other politicians, and these days that has to be a good thing.
update: I am told that the above did not take place quite as Rob White described it.  Let us leave it there for now.

The other discovery I made from the post is that Martin Salter was one of the speakers at the Nepalese community's new year event, which took place at the Warehouse on Cumberland Road, in Reading East obviously.  The event was on April 10th, after Salter had ceased to be an MP.  And it was in Reading East, a constituency Salter has never represented other than in his diseased imagination.  You cannot expect the Nepalese community leaders to bother about the prorogation of Parliament and such matters, but Salter should have done.  He had no business there, no platform and no position. If he had anything other than his own aggrandisement in mind he should have attended only in order to introduce his Labour colleagues who may not be known to the Nepalese community leaders and who hope to be elected either to Parliament or to the council.



here is the picture published in His Master's Voice of the launch of the Reading Labour manifesto.  Responsibility for quality of picture theirs.  Not the Labour Group manifesto or the Former MP's manifesto, but Reading Labour Party's manifesto.  Except that the chair of Reading Labour Party, one Trish Thomas, is not present.  A former Labour MP is pictured, with three or four councillors, two of them apparently councillors for Minster ward who are not candidates.  The candidate for Minster, Marion Livingstone, was not informed of the photocall, I am told.  And of course there are other candidates, not least Tory Tickner in Abbey ward, who are not present either.  And why is Mr Salter present?  Does he hold office in Reading Labour Party?  Is he standing in for Trish Thomas?  I think we should be told.  What arrant nonsense.

Monday, 12 April 2010

the fraudster's friend's head should roll

Cllr Richard Willis has posted again about the huge waste of council taxpayers' money in Reading because of a possibly corrupt but certainly inept scam involving the alleged use of biofuels by the Reading Buses company, which is wholly owned by Reading Borough Council.  Well, those whose job it is to expose these matters will I hope do so.  But it seems that the Reading Labour Group have learned nothing, they are still engaging in the politics of cover-up, spin and personal attack.  They still also do not get the concept of accountability.  Stuart Singleton-White, the fraudster's friend, the man who said that the electoral fraud uncovered in Redlands ward in Reading by Thames Valley Police was OK because there wasn't very much of it (how did he know?) was rewarded, presumably not for this, which resulted in a ward with three Labour councillors now being represented by three LibDems because of his support for the fraudsters, but for his enthusiastic promotion of the deselection of a sitting Labour MP, with the chairmanship of the board of Reading Buses, a salaried, publicly funded position in public life.  When the biofuels scandal first broke we heard nothing from Singleton-White.  Still we hear nothing.  Perhaps he has locked himself in his own attic?  Stuart?  Stuart?

Singleton-White is a decorated Falklands War veteran.  Not a lot of people know that, it not being fashionable in Reading Labour circles.  But I thought those men were brave.  Not all of them, clearly.

Duplicitous coward and fraudster's friend.

In the name of God, go.

Sunday, 11 April 2010

new media, boys and girls

just a thought - my facebook friends who are politically active in the UK, which is quite a lot of them, have all gone quiet on there, being otherwise engaged just now - don't do that, everyone goes on to facebook at work and wherever they are, but not everyone reads the leaflets which come through their door.  You are the ones who should be status updating regularly.  Go on, you know it makes sense.

Reading Borough local election candidates - the full story

just in  case people hadn't seen the full list, never let it be said I am not a public service blogger, and anyway I often think those who nominate candidates are more interesting than the candidates themselves

update, except that, oops, the way I've scanned it you can't see all the proposers, never mind, you get the idea:


Election of a Borough Councillor for


Notice is hereby given that:
A poll for the election of a Borough Councillor for Abbey will be held on Thursday 6 May 2010, between the hours of 7:00 am and 10:00 pm.
The number of Borough Councillors to be elected is one.
The names, home addresses and descriptions of the Candidates remaining validly nominated for election and the names of all persons signing the Candidates nomination paper are as follows:

Name of Candidate
Home Address
Description (if any)
Names of Signatories
Proposers(+), Seconders(++) & Assentors
8 St. John`s Street, Reading, RG1 4EH
Liberal Democrats
Borckley Gary(+)
Whiten Bernard
Young Lynn J
MacIntosh Fraser I
Price Clair L
Young George S(++)
Chapman Raymond
Barber Claire R
Price Simon J
Hughes John J
25 Hemdean Hill, Caversham, Reading, RG4 7SB
The Labour Party
Sutton David C(+)
Farmer Valerie J
Nailor-Gratland Raymond S
Muir Carmen A
Edwards Philip J
Jenkins Deborah G(++)
Lynch Ena
Muir Roy D.E.
Edwards Kelly L
Klein Lawrence J
Mark A
30A Eastern Avenue, Reading, RG1 5RY
The Green Party
Darby Elizabeth M(+)
Goonewardene Doreen E.G.
Rigby Meena J
West Richard
Mapp Patricia A
Lane Jane E(++)
Rigby John P
West Brigitta
Bligh Helen A
Smith Evelyn R
Andrew N
139 Peppard Road, Emmer Green, Reading, RG4 8TR
Kauders David J(+)
Currie Denise A
Simmonds Adrian E
Nante Richard L
Kitson Peter J
Stevens David B(++)
Main Hilary F
Howarth William
Howlett Joanne L
Kitson Susan J

The situation of Polling Stations and the description of persons entitled to vote thereat are as follows:

Situation of Polling Station
Station Number
Ranges of electoral register numbers of persons entitled to vote thereat
New Hope Community Church, Centre, 95 York Road, Reading
L-1 to L-1696
Sir Herman Gollancz Hall, Clifton Street, Reading
LA-1 to LA-1900
Sir Herman Gollancz Hall, Clifton Street, Reading
LA-1901 to LA-3736
Wesley Church Hall, Queens Road, Reading
LB-1 to LB-1400
St. John & St. Stephen, Parish Centre, Orts Road, Reading
LC-1 to LC-1052

5. Where contested this poll is taken together with the election of a Member of Parliament for the Reading East Constituency.

Election of a Borough Councillor for

Notice is hereby given that:
A poll for the election of a Borough Councillor for Battle will be held on Thursday 6 May 2010, between the hours of 7:00 am and 10:00 pm.
The number of Borough Councillors to be elected is one.
The names, home addresses and descriptions of the Candidates remaining validly nominated for election and the names of all persons signing the Candidates nomination paper are as follows:
Name of Candidate
Home Address
Description (if any)
Names of Signatories
Proposers(+), Seconders(++) & Assentors
69 Southcote Lane, Southcote, Reading, RG30 3AQ
Brownlie Philip J(+)
Cross Joyce M
Bristoe Irene B
Djoric Ana S
Shakeel Mohammed
Brown Victoria M(++)
Mahendra Vidhura
Bowles Catherine L
Warner John W
Perumal Kavitha
Uda M
8 Spring Terrace, Reading, RG2 0BD
Liberal Democrats
Hopkins Julie(+)
O`Gorman Christopher J
Lancaster Anne M
Allen Keir C
Somers Mark
Gordon Charity(++)
Pritchard-Williams John
Lancaster Ben P
Leeks Robert G
Steedman Henry
16 Blossom Road, Caversham, Reading, RG4 7AZ
Common Sense Party
Clark Tara L(+)
Shaw Rosemary J
Medford Maureen
Duffin Ian D
Trewern Michael P
Shaw Mark G(++)
Juma Swami R
Hicks Deborah
Duffin Susan
Johnson Carl D
Sarah-Jane E
6 Dorset Street, Reading, RG30 1JU
The Labour Party
Gittings Paul S(+)
Rosario Andrew
Khan Gul M
Ahmed Bashir
Singh Iqbal
Watson Deborah K(++)
Rosario Antoinetta
Hacker Marcel S
Fayyaz Mehnaz
Kaur Daljit
23 Brocksett Close, Reading, RG30 2SU
The Green Party
Mungur Anita D(+)
Heelan Anne B
Cook Timothy J
Reed Alan
Tariq Mohammad
Mungur Aswajit(++)
Heelan John P
Talbot Lois
Lovell Christine V
Bird Tina F
5 Stanley Grove, Reading, RG1 7NS
The Roman Party. Ave!
Middleton George E(+)
Burton Clive E
Davey-Cobb Claire-Marie
Payne Jennifer R
Tegg Donald L
Holt Rosemary S(++)
Burton Janette
Payne Graham B
Tegg Angela W
Davey-Cobb Daniel

The situation of Polling Stations and the description of persons entitled to vote thereat are as follows:

Situation of Polling Station
Station Number
Ranges of electoral register numbers of persons entitled to vote thereat
Cranbury College, Cranbury Road, Reading
A-1 to A-1675
Cranbury College, Cranbury Road, Reading
A-1676 to A-3284
Battle Library, 420 Oxford Road, Reading
AB-1 to AB-2303
Oxford Road Primary School, Oxford Road, Reading
AC-1 to AC-1228

5. Where contested this poll is taken together with the election of a Member of Parliament for the Reading West Constituency.

Election of a Borough Councillor for


Notice is hereby given that:
A poll for the election of a Borough Councillor for Caversham will be held on Thursday 6 May 2010, between the hours of 7:00 am and 10:00 pm.
The number of Borough Councillors to be elected is one.
The names, home addresses and descriptions of the Candidates remaining validly nominated for election and the names of all persons signing the Candidates nomination paper are as follows:
Name of Candidate
Home Address
Description (if any)
Names of Signatories
Proposers(+), Seconders(++) & Assentors
Christopher S
24 Cromwell Road, Caversham, Reading, RG4 5EB
Liberal Democrats
Bhatia Krishna(+)
Shaw Jane B
Causer Samantha A
Luxton Alan J
Chaudhary Mustafa
Elliss Diane J(++)
Shaw Norman
Hendry Alan D
Luxton Darka L
Parveen Azra
20 Tamesis Place, Patrick Road, Caversham, Reading, RG4 8ET
Stanway Thomas(+)
Walkington Cyril
Wiltshire Karen L
Smith Adam D
Coombes-Olney Matthieuse G
Luckett David(++)
Walkington Kathleen E
Wiltshire Barbara L
Miccione Andrea
Hoptroff Lynn
Lesley K
30 St. Anne`s Road, Caversham, Reading, RG4 7PA
The Labour Party
Loughlin Fiona J.S.(+)
Loughlin George
Malvern Susan B
Winter Sandra J
Munday Geoffrey C
Aitken Sarah I(++)
Tickner Betty
Malvern David D
Duffield Toby
Owen Robert E
David J
53 Balmore Drive, Caversham, Reading, RG4 8NN
The Green Party
Rawle Peter J(+)
Scott Catriona R
Bull Julie
Bowbrick Linda E
Turner Gayle
Turner Daniel K(++)
Sellar Carolyn C
Hayllor Eileen D.G.
Bowbrick Tim J
Turner Sydney

The situation of Polling Stations and the description of persons entitled to vote thereat are as follows:

Situation of Polling Station
Station Number
Ranges of electoral register numbers of persons entitled to vote thereat
New Bridge Nursery School, Montague Street, Caversham, Reading
M-1 to M-1330
New Bridge Nursery School, Montague Street, Caversham, Reading
M-1331 to M-2620
Thameside Primary School, Harley Road, Caversham, Reading
MA-1 to MA-1895
Amersham Road Community, Centre, Lower Caversham, Reading
MB-1 to MB-1754
Caversham Primary School, Hemdean Road, Caversham, Reading
MC-1 to MC-763

5. Where contested this poll is taken together with the election of a Member of Parliament for the Reading East Constituency. 

Election of a Borough Councillor for
Notice is hereby given that:
A poll for the election of a Borough Councillor for Church will be held on Thursday 6 May 2010, between the hours of 7:00 am and 10:00 pm.
The number of Borough Councillors to be elected is one.
The names, home addresses and descriptions of the Candidates remaining validly nominated for election and the names of all persons signing the Candidates nomination paper are as follows:
Name of Candidate
Home Address
Description (if any)
Names of Signatories
Proposers(+), Seconders(++) & Assentors
23 Cintra Close, Reading, RG2 7AL
Murray Judy(+)
Campbell Colin A
Harding Eric D
Carter Angela
Mohammad Munir
Powell Caroline R(++)
Abram Thomas M
Harding Peggy A
Zeb Mumtaz
Pigott Harry
Vivienne J
22 Clarendon Road, Reading, RG6 1PB
The Green Party
Gregory Gillian(+)
Hayes Brian R.L.
Bunch Robert
Pearson Kenneth W
Wilson Emma
Parry Mary A(++)
Hafiz Mehmoona K
Alexander Jofi
Chapman Robert W
Oakley Robert A
Malcolm G
22 Blundell`s Road, Tilehurst, Reading, RG30 4TR
The Labour Party
King Adrian F(+)
Grugeon Elizabeth H
Thompson Audrey
Kingston Anthony D
Broadhurst Brian L
Gosling Andrew(++)
Grugeon Martin C.L.
Hills Jennifer F
Livingston Marian E
Broadhurst Sarah A
44 Norris Road, Reading, RG6 1NJ
Liberal Democrats
Heydeman Elizabeth C(+)
Sutherland Kieran A
Chadwick David
Priestley John F
Overton Mark J
Heydeman Max T(++)
Kitson Philip H
Hannington Daniel W
Gordon Angela
Overton Florence

The situation of Polling Stations and the description of persons entitled to vote thereat are as follows:

Situation of Polling Station
Station Number
Ranges of electoral register numbers of persons entitled to vote thereat
Scout & Guide Joint Hq, (Large Hall), 163 Northcourt Avenue, Reading
N-1 to N-2014
Scout & Guide Joint Hq, (Large Hall), 163 Northcourt Avenue, Reading
N-2015 to N-3465
The Ridgeway Primary, School, Willow Gardens, Reading
NA-1 to NA-1530
South Reading Youth &, Community Centre, 252 Northumberland Avenue, Reading
NB-1 to NB-1236
Christ the King Church, Hall, 408 Northumberland Avenue, Reading
NC-1 to NC-1014

5. Where contested this poll is taken together with the election of a Member of Parliament for the Reading East Constituency.

Election of a Borough Councillor for
Notice is hereby given that:
A poll for the election of a Borough Councillor for Katesgrove will be held on Thursday 6 May 2010, between the hours of 7:00 am and 10:00 pm.
The number of Borough Councillors to be elected is one.
The names, home addresses and descriptions of the Candidates remaining validly nominated for election and the names of all persons signing the Candidates nomination paper are as follows:
Name of Candidate
Home Address
Description (if any)
Names of Signatories
Proposers(+), Seconders(++) & Assentors
Emily J
Flat 4, Cadugan Place, Addington Road, Reading, RG1 5PN
White Margaret A(+)
Turnock Paul
Manning William T
Lay Barrymore C
Abbas Zakarya
White James W(++)
Pithers Ann M
Manning Phyllis M
Lay Myra
Dakovic Uros
7 Avebury Square, Reading, RG1 5JH
The Green Party
Harmsworth Derrick J(+)
Proudman Thomas J
Rixon Edward J
Blain Serena A
Brown Susan
Weeks Carlo S(++)
Rixon Andrew
Blain Nigel M
Brown Darren
Rado Josephine M
15 Blenheim Road, Caversham, Reading, RG4 7RT
The Labour Party
Pounds Nigel D(+)
Williams Joe
Callander Anna
Palmer William R
Kennedy Paula M
Pounds Clare(++)
Callander Allister
Palmer Dorothy
Short William A
Dyson Mary C
69 Carnarvon Road, Reading, RG1 5SB
Liberal Democrats
Swaine Warren A(+)
Aplin Karen L
Smith Philip J
Mullins John A.J.
Nightingale Melvin
McNeill Margaret(++)
Harrison Richard G
Mullins Jean E
Andrews Kelly J
Wynn Gregory A
Flat 15, East View Place, East Street, Reading, RG1 4AW
Bryan Philip J(+)
York Susanna
Williams Bonnie
Cunningham Katherine D
Martinez Marietta
Ilsley Rachel(++)
Graves Andrew A
Rees Andrew M
Ta`Ssell Lee C
Derby Laura J

The situation of Polling Stations and the description of persons entitled to vote thereat are as follows:
Situation of Polling Station
Station Number
Ranges of electoral register numbers of persons entitled to vote thereat
Katesgrove Primary School, Dorothy Street, Reading
B-1 to B-1734
Katesgrove Primary School, Dorothy Street, Reading
B-1735 to B-3415
Christchurch Centre, Milman Road, Reading
BA-1 to BA-814
Christchurch Centre, Milman Road, Reading
BA-815 to BA-1627
George Palmer Primary, School, 70 Northumberland Avenue, Reading
BB-1 to BB-1490
5. Where contested this poll is taken together with the election of a Member of Parliament for the Reading East Constituency.

Election of a Borough Councillor for
Notice is hereby given that:
A poll for the election of a Borough Councillor for Kentwood will be held on Thursday 6 May 2010, between the hours of 7:00 am and 10:00 pm.
The number of Borough Councillors to be elected is one.
The names, home addresses and descriptions of the Candidates remaining validly nominated for election and the names of all persons signing the Candidates nomination paper are as follows:
Name of Candidate
Home Address
Description (if any)
Names of Signatories
Proposers(+), Seconders(++) & Assentors
2 Ella Garett Close, Reading, RG2 7BL
Liberal Democrats
Palmer Margaret M(+)
Aitken Nigel A
Little Lionel G
Jackson Andrew G
Barker Irmgard M
Waller Susan M(++)
Sloane Jean D
Layfield Nicola J
Barker Jonathan P
Banks John W
12 Dudley Close, Tilehurst, Reading, RG31 6JJ
The Green Party
Cooke Sally A(+)
Murray-Robertson Christopher
Hatch Geoffrey
Porter James E
Deacon Joan
Scoh David(++)
Hatch Susan
Sparkes Sheila B
Smith Marian D
Gage Pauline M
35 Pottery Road, Tilehurst, Reading, RG30 6BA
Warman Emma J(+)
Black Emma L
Hoog Carole
Coxall Shelagh A
Gonzalez Diane J
Steele Thomas W(++)
Black Ashley R
Kilmartin John
Coxall Peter A
Stuckey Richard E
Daya P
7 Tuxford Mews, Reading, RG30 2NW
The Labour Party
Graham Tom(+)
Graham Jamie T
Downer William R
Ward Richard W
Scarfe Elizabeth A
Harper Grafton L(++)
Graham Isabell
Downer Margaret D.M.
Harper Catherine L
Scarfe Philip R
90 Stone Street, Reading, RG30 1HU
Common Sense Party
Thomas Bryn M(+)
Hopgood Edwin J
Hopgood Wayne R
Parkins Deborah S
Plunkett Matthew
Smith Paula J(++)
Hopgood Miriam U
Parkins Kim G
Newton Shane
Goswell Andrew J
The situation of Polling Stations and the description of persons entitled to vote thereat are as follows:
Situation of Polling Station
Station Number
Ranges of electoral register numbers of persons entitled to vote thereat
St.Mary Magdalen Hall, Rodway Road, Tilehurst, Reading
C-1 to C-1278/2
St.Mary Magdalen Hall, Rodway Road, Tilehurst, Reading
C-1279 to C-2311
United Reformed, Church Hall, Polsted Road, Tilehurst
CA-1 to CA-1583
Upcroft Primary School, Norcot Road, Tilehurst, Reading
CB-1 to CB-1583
Norcot Community Centre, Lyndhurst Road, Tilehurst, Reading
CC-1 to CC-1922

5. Where contested this poll is taken together with the election of a Member of Parliament for the Reading West Constituency.

Election of a Borough Councillor for


Notice is hereby given that:
A poll for the election of a Borough Councillor for Minster will be held on Thursday 6 May 2010, between the hours of 7:00 am and 10:00 pm.
The number of Borough Councillors to be elected is one.
The names, home addresses and descriptions of the Candidates remaining validly nominated for election and the names of all persons signing the Candidates nomination paper are as follows:

Name of Candidate
Home Address
Description (if any)
Names of Signatories
Proposers(+), Seconders(++) & Assentors
Simon J
Flat 30 Quadrant Court, Jubilee Square, Reading, RG1 2GW
Garvie Maria(+)
Goodwin Sarah J
Shepherd Marion A
Mowczan Ludwik J
Morris Andrew P.A.
Goodwin David P(++)
Garvie Bernard
Bartlett George E
Mowczan Alexandra T
Morris Brenda L
Sunil M
44 Boston Avenue, Reading, RG1 6JU
The Green Party
Fox Raymond L(+)
Warrick Imelda S
Dieguez Jose
Scrivener Stephen R
Nanayakkara Biswa W
Ward Christine E(++)
Crosson John E
Holloway Reginald C
Smith Wai Han
George Paula
Marian E
176 Barnsdale Road, Reading, RG2 7JP
The Labour Party
Metcalf Paul(+)
Zielinski Jennifer L
Day Walter J
Lim Ai Peng
Ounsley Margaret M
Sarkar Naz(++)
Barker Lindsey J
Awuku Samuel K
Snook Stephen J
Ounsley James P
Michael R
4 Sherwood House, Rembrandt Way, Reading, RG1 6QY
Liberal Democrats
Harris Christopher(+)
Bowden Keith E
Riley Matthew
Penny Sara L
Ormrod Mark A
Bucke Christopher(++)
Otto Rosamund L
Nicholas Gareth
Dance James D
Oyekan Ayokunle

The situation of Polling Stations and the description of persons entitled to vote thereat are as follows:

Situation of Polling Station
Station Number
Ranges of electoral register numbers of persons entitled to vote thereat
Coley Primary School, Wolseley Street, Reading
D-1 to D-1302
All Saints Hall, Downshire Square, Reading
DA-1 to DA-1397
All Saints Hall, Downshire Square, Reading
DA-1398 to DA-2748
Coley Park Community, Centre, 140 Wensley Road, Reading
DB-1 to DB-3110

5. Where contested this poll is taken together with the election of a Member of Parliament for the Reading West Constituency.

Election of a Borough Councillor for


Notice is hereby given that:
A poll for the election of a Borough Councillor for Norcot will be held on Thursday 6 May 2010, between the hours of 7:00 am and 10:00 pm.
The number of Borough Councillors to be elected is one.
The names, home addresses and descriptions of the Candidates remaining validly nominated for election and the names of all persons signing the Candidates nomination paper are as follows:

Name of Candidate
Home Address
Description (if any)
Names of Signatories
Proposers(+), Seconders(++) & Assentors
29 Wheeler Court, Armour Hill, Tilehurst, Reading, RG31 6JB
Smith Roy(+)
Horne Keith R.W.
Sutcliffe Patricia M
Matthews Robert C.H.
Szutenberg Leon G.P.
Smith Doreen(++)
Horne Rosemary F
Sutcliffe Nigel E
Szutenberg Janette H
Watcham Stephen R
36 Lorne Street, Reading, RG1 7YN
Liberal Democrats
Larter Ellen R(+)
Ayres Stanislava
Horwood John A
Shock Arthur A
Andrews Leslie H
Ayres Kelvin(++)
Weston Peter J
Vinall Ian C
Rimmer May F
Fearns Claudius L
Peter M
142 Hamilton Road, Reading, RG1 5RE
The Labour Party
Hathaway Helen M(+)
Sander Deborah
Maskell Chris
Durrant Albert A.E.
Waring Christopher G
Sinclair Norma M(++)
Ennis John J
Hoskin Graeme W
Day Beryl I.M.
Gavin Janet M
Jennifer A
25 Luscombe Close, Caversham, Reading, RG4 5LG
The Green Party
Hussain Afzal(+)
Waziri Kulwa
Hicklin Darren W
Booker Stanley R
Roberts Pearl S
Carrington Alison F(++)
Razaq Mohammed
Horgan Jean A
Booker Christine J
Carr Francis

The situation of Polling Stations and the description of persons entitled to vote thereat are as follows:

Situation of Polling Station
Station Number
Ranges of electoral register numbers of persons entitled to vote thereat
St Georges Church Hall, St Georges Road, Reading
E-1 to E-1705
St Georges Church Hall, St Georges Road, Reading
E-1706 to E-3357
St Michael`s Primary, School, Dee Road, Tilehurst
EA-1 to EA-992
St Michael`s Primary, School, Dee Road, Tilehurst
EA-993 to EA-1931
Ranikhet Primary School, Spey Road, Tilehurst, Reading
EB-1 to EB-1790

5. Where contested this poll is taken together with the election of a Member of Parliament for the Reading West Constituency. 

Election of a Borough Councillor for


Notice is hereby given that:
A poll for the election of a Borough Councillor for Park will be held on Thursday 6 May 2010, between the hours of 7:00 am and 10:00 pm.
The number of Borough Councillors to be elected is one.
The names, home addresses and descriptions of the Candidates remaining validly nominated for election and the names of all persons signing the Candidates nomination paper are as follows:

Name of Candidate
Home Address
Description (if any)
Names of Signatories
Proposers(+), Seconders(++) & Assentors
Alexander T.S.
140A Wokingham Road, Reading, RG6 1JL
Liberal Democrats
Wilkinson Christopher T(+)
Hallworth Michael A
Cooksey Aimee
Ruggiero Alfredo
Handsley Stephen E
Edwards Victoria L(++)
Mott John
Ruggiero Servina
Schlachter Robert
Whiley Mark
Richard M
63A Hamilton Road, Reading, RG1 5RA
The Labour Party
Dunn Andrew J(+)
King Sarah
Morgan Ann M
Matheson Caroline S
Mortimer Marion K
Merriott Shirley I(++)
Hartley Jon
Matheson Jeremy J
Mortimer Simon R
McKenzie Kathryn S
John A
4 Phillimore Road, Reading, RG4 8UR
Lacquiere Eunice H(+)
Rhafi Mohammed
Chohan Abdul
Stacey Margaret C
Neale Janet
Kiani Nisar(++)
Mirza Nadeem S
Kiani Saba Y
Hutt Leslie H.A.G.
Neale Clifford C
22 Cumberland Road, Reading, RG1 3LB
The Green Party
Hopper Leslee P(+)
Mauwer Madeleine
Corder Kate
Hickling John C.P.
Whitham James M.R.
Rumbol Karen J(++)
Wright Lawrence M
Pegg Andrew J
Hickling Anne
Walsh Amanda M

The situation of Polling Stations and the description of persons entitled to vote thereat are as follows:

Situation of Polling Station
Station Number
Ranges of electoral register numbers of persons entitled to vote thereat
New Town Primary School, School Terrace, Reading
P-1 to P-1565
New Town Primary School, School Terrace, Reading
P-1565/1 to P-2721
Alfred Sutton Primary, School, 148 Wokingham Road, Reading
PA-1 to PA-1799
Alfred Sutton Primary, School, 148 Wokingham Road, Reading
PA-1800 to PA-3557
Alfred Sutton Primary, School, 148 Wokingham Road, Reading
PA-3558 to PA-4570

5. Where contested this poll is taken together with the election of a Member of Parliament for the Reading East Constituency.

Election of a Borough Councillor for
Notice is hereby given that:
A poll for the election of a Borough Councillor for Peppard will be held on Thursday 6 May 2010, between the hours of 7:00 am and 10:00 pm.
The number of Borough Councillors to be elected is one.
The names, home addresses and descriptions of the Candidates remaining validly nominated for election and the names of all persons signing the Candidates nomination paper are as follows:
Name of Candidate
Home Address
Description (if any)
Names of Signatories
Proposers(+), Seconders(++) & Assentors
17 Blenheim Road, Caversham, Reading, RG4 7RT
Liberal Democrats
Black Anne E(+)
Gibbon Alison J
Black Donald A
Norris Paul R
Sammars Kathleen M
Barclay Jonathan D(++)
Verran Kirsten J
Norris Jacqueline M
Hicks Alison L
Hutchinson Joan M
John B
27 Sherman Road, Reading, RG1 2PJ
UK Independence Party (UK I P)
Deller William B(+)
O`Neill Robert J
Newland Esmond B
Hooper Edward W
Wells Ronwen G
Greenaway June W(++)
McDonald Khairu-Nissa K
Suddaby Christopher W
Hooper Noreen J
Stroud Penelope
Helen M
121 St. George`s Road, Reading, RG30 2RQ
The Labour Party
Hanley James T(+)
Dimmick Robert S
Barzin Saeed
Bennett Catherine A.S.
Goodall Gillian
Thomas Patricia(++)
Dimmick Margaret L
Carroll Jean
Goodall Christopher J
Bradford Tamas S
Patrick J
38 Evesham Road, Emmer Green, Reading, RG4 8RD
The Green Party
O`Hara Julie E(+)
Huggins Roy V
Samtani Poonam H
Lovelock Stanley O
Mewton Gerald
Huggins Andrea D(++)
Carne David
Lovelock Jean A
Keene Roger N
Mewton Nadejda
Mark A
7 Kidmore Road, Caversham, Reading, RG4 7LR
Rogers Marie L(+)
Flinn John
Yateman June H
Sharpe Dianne E
Reeves John A
Willis Richard J(++)
Flinn Patricia M
Taylor Cyril H
Sharpe James S
Reeves Christine E

The situation of Polling Stations and the description of persons entitled to vote thereat are as follows:
Situation of Polling Station
Station Number
Ranges of electoral register numbers of persons entitled to vote thereat
Emmer Green Youth &, Community Centre, St. Barnabas Road, Emmer Green
V-1 to V-1761
Emmer Green Youth &, Community Centre, St. Barnabas Road, Emmer Green
V-1762 to V-3473/1
The Milestone Centre, Northbrook Road, Caversham, Reading
VA-1 to VA-1391
The Milestone Centre, Northbrook Road, Caversham, Reading
VA-1392 to VA-2677
Micklands County Primary, School, Micklands Road, Caversham
VB-1 to VB-1155
5. Where contested this poll is taken together with the election of a Member of Parliament for the Reading East Constituency.

Election of a Borough Councillor for


Notice is hereby given that:
A poll for the election of a Borough Councillor for Redlands will be held on Thursday 6 May 2010, between the hours of 7:00 am and 10:00 pm.
The number of Borough Councillors to be elected is one.
The names, home addresses and descriptions of the Candidates remaining validly nominated for election and the names of all persons signing the Candidates nomination paper are as follows:

Name of Candidate
Home Address
Description (if any)
Names of Signatories
Proposers(+), Seconders(++) & Assentors
12 St. John`s Road, Reading, RG1 4EB
Liberal Democrats
Edwards Joseph H(+)
Nash Kay
Day Jean M
Drury Michael R
Bryant Pamela C
Bayes Kirsten R(++)
Clifton Paula M
Day Brian J.T.
Drury Lesley J
Logie Joyce B
Kelly L
52 Blakes Quay, Gas Works Road, Reading, RG1 3EN
The Labour Party
Cooper David M(+)
Flood James M
Singleton-White Stuart H
Jerrome Edward K
Smith Toby
Cooper Janette L(++)
Nichols Elisabeth A
Singleton-White Mary
Jerrome Mary J
Goodlock Diane M
Miriam Frances
6 Strachey Close, Tidmarsh, Reading, RG8 8EP
The Green Party
Nevin Jonathan(+)
Pearson Anne D
Johnstone Maureen R
Stout Lucille E
Morgan Jenny E
Nevin Victoria L(++)
Pearson Henry D
Hickman Paul R
Stewart Sean A
Munro Alexander P.H.
119 Edgehill Street, Reading, RG1 2PU
Townend Michael A(+)
Imrie Frazer K
Ezard Margit
Winny Christabel
Reeve Anne
Duggan Peter D(++)
Imrie Janice M
Ezard Keith T
Reeve Christopher
Taylor Laurence D

The situation of Polling Stations and the description of persons entitled to vote thereat are as follows:
Situation of Polling Station
Station Number
Ranges of electoral register numbers of persons entitled to vote thereat
St. Luke`s Hall, Erleigh Road, Reading
R-1 to R-1592/1
St. Luke`s Hall, Erleigh Road, Reading
R-1593 to R-2979
Redlands Primary School, Lydford Road, Reading
RA-1 to RA-1155
Redlands Primary School, Lydford Road, Reading
RA-1156 to RA-2309
Hexham Community Centre, 1A Bamburgh Close, Whitley, Reading
RB-1 to RB-1159
Merl, The University of Reading, Redlands Road, Reading
RC-1 to RC-754

5. Where contested this poll is taken together with the election of a Member of Parliament for the Reading East Constituency.

Election of a Borough Councillor for


Notice is hereby given that:
A poll for the election of a Borough Councillor for Southcote will be held on Thursday 6 May 2010, between the hours of 7:00 am and 10:00 pm.
The number of Borough Councillors to be elected is one.
The names, home addresses and descriptions of the Candidates remaining validly nominated for election and the names of all persons signing the Candidates nomination paper are as follows:

Name of Candidate
Home Address
Description (if any)
Names of Signatories
Proposers(+), Seconders(++) & Assentors
Susan J
Flat 1, 33 Dwyer Road, Southcote, Reading, RG30 3PB
Liberal Democrats
Jordan Sylvia E(+)
Singh Amrik
Turner Collette
Downey Mary B
MacKinder Lesley A
MacKinder Ian H(++)
Burnell Maureen E
Stevens Kenneth G
Legg Hannah
Singh Gurpreet
John J
5 Hampstead Court, Grovelands Road, Reading, RG30 2QQ
The Labour Party
Richardson Roberta C(+)
Heneghan Linda M
Beadon Peter W
Edwards Jago F
Williams Rosemary P
Hewson Gordon R(++)
Jones Gwyniver M
Allingham Amy J.A.
Edwards Deborah J
Jackson Ronda C
James E
21 Crane Wharf, Reading, RG1 3AY
The Green Party
Williams Monica H(+)
Smith Marketa
Jones Mary E
Gibbons Barry F
Wootten Norman G.C.
McDonald Andrew(++)
Finnerty Anne
Sharpe Pauline A
Gibbons Ann S
Hutchings David W
Robert D
58 New Lane Hill, Tilehurst, Reading, RG30 4JP
Vickers Adam(+)
Lewis Emma L
Day Patricia M.E.
Cameron Geraldine L
Knipe Pina
Vickers Sandra D(++)
Vickers Laura J
Lewis Karl R
Cameron John B
Morton Deryck M

The situation of Polling Stations and the description of persons entitled to vote thereat are as follows:

Situation of Polling Station
Station Number
Ranges of electoral register numbers of persons entitled to vote thereat
Southcote Primary School, Silchester Road, Southcote, Reading
F-1 to F-1813
Manor Primary School, 110 Ashampstead Road, Reading
FA-1 to FA-1720
Southcote Library Hall, Southcote Lane, Reading
FB-1 to FB-1320
Prospect School, Cockney Hill, Tilehurst, Reading
FC-1 to FC-1366

5. Where contested this poll is taken together with the election of a Member of Parliament for the Reading West Constituency. 

Election of a Borough Councillor for


Notice is hereby given that:
A poll for the election of a Borough Councillor for Thames will be held on Thursday 6 May 2010, between the hours of 7:00 am and 10:00 pm.
The number of Borough Councillors to be elected is one.
The names, home addresses and descriptions of the Candidates remaining validly nominated for election and the names of all persons signing the Candidates nomination paper are as follows:

Name of Candidate
Home Address
Description (if any)
Names of Signatories
Proposers(+), Seconders(++) & Assentors
12 Woburn Close, Caversham, Reading, RG4 7HB
The Green Party
Evans John T(+)
Perkins Kirk S
Baker Victoria J
Stewart Colin P
Ball Gordon R.G.
De Mulder Surita K(++)
Perkins Helen G
Robinson Paul
Stewart Elizabeth J
Eldred Laurence E
Guy W G
90 Blenheim Road, Caversham, Reading, RG4 7RR
Liberal Democrats
Hendry Annette(+)
Green Jill M
Best-Shaw Elena
Summers Sheila M
Pinchen Rodney(++)
Adams Madeleine E
Eggleton Michael N
Summers John G
David Bryan
61 Baker Street, Reading, RG1 7XY
Walker John M(+)
Beechey-Newman Timothy
Blakeley John B
Davis Peter S
Raschen William G
Walker Patricia M(++)
Blakeley Janet R
Rogers Barbara A
Davis Cynthia J
Raschen Joanna M
Nicholas J
Flat 8, 58-60 London Road, Reading, RG1 5AS
The Labour Party
Waite Mary C(+)
Rodda Matthew R
Stainthorp Michael W
Johnson Michael W
Johnson Ruth A
Waite Stephen P(++)
Stainthorp Richard M
Stainthorp Susan C
Thomson Josephine
Waite Charlotte R

The situation of Polling Stations and the description of persons entitled to vote thereat are as follows:

Situation of Polling Station
Station Number
Ranges of electoral register numbers of persons entitled to vote thereat
Highdown School, Surley Row, Emmer Green, Reading
W-1 to W-582
Highdown School, Surley Row, Emmer Green, Reading
W-583 to W-1058
St. Andrew`s Hall, Albert Road, Caversham, Reading
WA-1 to WA-1899
St. Andrew`s Hall, Albert Road, Caversham, Reading
WA-1900 to WA-3377
Caversham Primary School, Hemdean Road, Caversham, Reading
WB-1427 to WB-2849
Caversham Primary School, Hemdean Road, Caversham, Reading
WB-1 to WB-1426

5. Where contested this poll is taken together with the election of a Member of Parliament for the Reading East Constituency.

Election of a Borough Councillor for
Notice is hereby given that:
A poll for the election of a Borough Councillor for Tilehurst will be held on Thursday 6 May 2010, between the hours of 7:00 am and 10:00 pm.
The number of Borough Councillors to be elected is one.
The names, home addresses and descriptions of the Candidates remaining validly nominated for election and the names of all persons signing the Candidates nomination paper are as follows:
Name of Candidate
Home Address
Description (if any)
Names of Signatories
Proposers(+), Seconders(++) & Assentors
72 Salisbury Road, Reading, RG30 1BN
The Labour Party
Salter Martin J(+)
Cottee Brian L
Bourne Martin C
Hales Anthony W
Peak Kathryn F
Silvey Victoria A(++)
Cottee Jennifer S
Bourne Alison M
Powers Malcolm G
Manning Margaret T.J.
Douglas J
25 Belle Vue Road, Reading, RG1 7TX
The Green Party
Bearman Robert D(+)
Clarke Terence M
Waters Allan
Withers Graham J
Cawthraw Carole
Reeves Andrew(++)
Healy Paul R
Waters Myra J
Withers Christine A
Cawthraw Stephen
4 Chieveley Close, Tilehurst, Reading, RG31 5JD
Liberal Democrats
Beard Peter(+)
Ferriday Everett R.C.
Osborne Kathleen R
Robinson Guy
Day Florence T
Beard Cynthia E(++)
Haseler Laurence E
Osborne Ann K
Day Ronald J
Harron Ann M
66 Wykeham Road, Reading, RG6 1PN
UK Independence Party (UK I P)
Cook Angela K(+)
Armstrong Anne P
MacPhee William S.G.
Forrest John M
Pritchard Tom
Cook Philip(++)
Forrest Roslyn P
MacPhee Joan M
French Queenie T.J.
Duda Gillian D
Sandra D
58 New Lane Hill, Tilehurst, Reading, RG30 4JP
Rolfe Frances E(+)
Lewis William
Thomas Helan M
Wyeth Sarah M
Robinson Susan M
Rolfe Gary F(++)
Willis Pauline E
Thomas Kenneth C.B.
Jones Linda V
Robinson Michael R

The situation of Polling Stations and the description of persons entitled to vote thereat are as follows:

Situation of Polling Station
Station Number
Ranges of electoral register numbers of persons entitled to vote thereat
Moorlands Primary School, Church End Lane, Tilehurst, Reading
G-1 to G-1365
Moorlands Primary School, Church End Lane, Tilehurst, Reading
G-1366 to G-2725
Park Lane Primary School, School Road, Tilehurst, Reading
GA-1 to GA-1817
Park Lane Primary School, School Road, Tilehurst, Reading
GA-1818 to GA-3409
Tilehurst Village Hall, Victoria Road, Tilehurst, Reading
GB-1 to GB-1021

5. Where contested this poll is taken together with the election of a Member of Parliament for the Reading West Constituency.

Election of a Borough Councillor for


Notice is hereby given that:
A poll for the election of a Borough Councillor for Whitley will be held on Thursday 6 May 2010, between the hours of 7:00 am and 10:00 pm.
The number of Borough Councillors to be elected is one.
The names, home addresses and descriptions of the Candidates remaining validly nominated for election and the names of all persons signing the Candidates nomination paper are as follows:

Name of Candidate
Home Address
Description (if any)
Names of Signatories
Proposers(+), Seconders(++) & Assentors
47 Pierces Hill, Tilehurst, Reading, RG31 6RB
Allen Margaret H(+)
Chubb Bridget T
Purvey Eileen E
Edmonds Ian J
Giles Roy
Allen Anthony W.R.(++)
Purvey Malcolm L
Warrick Thelma I
Carter Margaret A
Saunders Daniel
Rachel C
7 Windrush Way, Reading, RG30 2NQ
The Labour Party
Jones Alan L(+)
Orton Michael E
Hannis Eileen M
Evans Philip D
Wakefield Ann T
Amrit Gulzar Singh(++)
Orton June E
Day Theresa M
Anderson Melissa
Bocage Joyce E
7 Clayton Walk, Reading, RG2 7TT
Liberal Democrats
Stannett Matthew(+)
Lendrum Thomas E.N.
Quinney Alan
Tigwell Julie L
Murfet Allan V
Beard Janet F(++)
Gibson Ronald
Quinney Susan P
Lendrum Pauline M
Murfet Diane
Keith M
22 Clarendon Road, Reading, RG6 1PB
The Green Party
Burrows Sharon B(+)
Wain Rebecca
Kirby Ann M
Clarke Joanne
Tait Nichole J
Bratt William(++)
Bowsher Ann
Brobbey Jacob
Read David
Tait Pauline A

The situation of Polling Stations and the description of persons entitled to vote thereat are as follows:

Situation of Polling Station
Station Number
Ranges of electoral register numbers of persons entitled to vote thereat
Whitley Park Infant &, Nursery School, Basingstoke Road, Reading
S-1 to S-2904
Whitley Park Infant &, Nursery School, Basingstoke Road, Reading
SC-1 to SC-355
Geoffrey Field Infant, School, Exbourne Road, Reading
SA-1 to SA-1427
Geoffrey Field Infant, School, Exbourne Road, Reading
SA-1428 to SA-2813
Whitley Wood Community, Centre, Swallowfield Drive, Reading
SB-1 to SB-1566
5. Where contested this poll is taken together with the election of a Member of Parliament for the Reading West Constituency.

Mr J G Painter
Dated Thursday 8 April 2010

Returning Officer
Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Civic Offices, Civic Centre, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 7AE

Mr J G Painter

Dated Thursday 8 April 2010
Returning Officer
Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Civic Offices, Civic Centre, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 7AE

Mr J G Painter

Dated Thursday 8 April 2010
Returning Officer
Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Civic Offices, Civic Centre, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 7AE

Mr J G Painter

Dated Thursday 8 April 2010
Returning Officer
Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Civic Offices, Civic Centre, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 7AE

Mr J G Painter

Dated Thursday 8 April 2010
Returning Officer
Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Civic Offices, Civic Centre, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 7AE

Mr J G Painter

Dated Thursday 8 April 2010
Returning Officer
Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Civic Offices, Civic Centre, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 7AE

Mr J G Painter

Dated Thursday 8 April 2010
Returning Officer
Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Civic Offices, Civic Centre, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 7AE

Mr J G Painter

Dated Thursday 8 April 2010
Returning Officer
Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Civic Offices, Civic Centre, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 7AE

Mr J G Painter

Dated Thursday 8 April 2010
Returning Officer
Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Civic Offices, Civic Centre, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 7AE

Mr J G Painter

Dated Thursday 8 April 2010
Returning Officer
Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Civic Offices, Civic Centre, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 7AE

Mr J G Painter

Dated Thursday 8 April 2010
Returning Officer
Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Civic Offices, Civic Centre, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 7AE

Mr J G Painter

Dated Thursday 8 April 2010
Returning Officer
Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Civic Offices, Civic Centre, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 7AE

Mr J G Painter

Dated Thursday 8 April 2010
Returning Officer
Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Civic Offices, Civic Centre, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 7AE

Mr J G Painter

Dated Thursday 8 April 2010
Returning Officer
Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Civic Offices, Civic Centre, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 7AE

Mr J G Painter

Dated Thursday 8 April 2010
Returning Officer
Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Civic Offices, Civic Centre, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 7AE

Dated Tuesday 27 April 2010
Mr J G Painter

Returning Officer
Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Civic Offices, Civic Centre, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 7AE