Tuesday 12 July 2011

he's made it up!

this is what the Filth had to say about the evidence it has found that Labour MPs including Gordon Brown were targeted:
Notice that there is no evidence that Mr Salter was ever hacked, he has just tried to give the impression that he has been.  What is this, I've been hacked and you haven't, so I'm more important than you?  Sigh.  Anyway, this had to be fisked.

PNC checks were made by detective constable Diss on three Labour politicians, according to police interview transcripts obtained by the Guardian. All were in late 2000.

• The first, on 13 September 2000, was on Martin Salter, the Labour MP for Reading West.
Salter had displeased Rebekah Brooks, then News of the World editor. He refused her request to support her notorious campaign for Sarah's Law to "protect us from pervs". So did many others, including me, but he was the only one to do so using offensive language and to press release his refusal.  Shortly afterwards, on 24 September 2000, NoW readers were urged to pillory him personally in a "naming and shaming" stunt.  Yes I remember the "rogues gallery" of about ten MPs, with really horrible pictures of all of them.
Salter says: "She responded with some foul personal attacks so typical of the bullying style of the former NoW. Diddums. I remember canvassing that Sunday morning No you don't.  That Sunday was the first day of party conference in Brighton and you were there, chairing the South-East Group opening reception, you press released that so it must have been true.  There was no Reading Labour Party canvassing that day, and you were not in Reading.  Liar. and it was particularly unpleasant."
False rumours had been circulated earlier in the year oooh! by opponents in his constituency No.  They were circulated by me, who was never in his constituency, though he was regularly in mine that he had convictions for cannabis and GBH. GBH conviction he boasted about, and that is what I told them, cannabis he was and is a regular user, I am not aware that he has any convictions for its use He had also made no secret of the fact that he had smoked cannabis in the past and believed in its decriminalisation

The simple sword of truth.  Had to be wielded.


Anonymous said...

This is quite pathetic. He made mileage - and no doubt polished his job credentials - by posing as the Mr Clean MP over expenses when he was nothing but a tarnished toss pot. And now he is posing as the Patron Saint of the Hacked.


Just wait until this weekend. Expect a bile chewing interview with him in either The Guardian on Saturday - or The Observer on Sunday. I can just imagine the salivation going on in those offices at the momenet 'Oh - Jules -- we've got Martin', said Miranda, straightening her cardy with lama trimmed collar and adjusting her spanx pants etc etc ad nauseum est. Hi Marina !! Sound familiar, babes?! Oh and, er missus -- I didn't know that people with convictions could be regarded as acceptable as Labour PPCs? Clarification from the NEC please - pronto. Or has he made up this 'conviction' to sound heavy, working class, hard, toughie etc? Over and out. I've had it and it is only 9.40am. Tuesday.

dreamingspire said...

The report that Gordon Brown's phone had been hacked and thereby his son's illness disclosed was followed by a report of another father saying that he, also with a child suffering, had mention the Brown's son's illness in conversation.

Anonymous said...

Oh - tit and chips! If you'll believe that crap you'll polish cell toilets.

If the so called grieving dad wants to get it out into the open for this disease, then why didn't he front up his own kid rather than dragging Gordon's down the U bend? Gordon and his wife crept up to the dyed-red one -- mainly, I am sure because of Mrs Brown's loony ideas about improving her hubby's PR - and thus insinuating the likes of Naomi etc into the orbit. Btu it is still NOT right and the son of the manse and family have been abused and betrayed.

Yeah -- or am I insane?
Not, actually.