"You talk a load of crap, carrot top" (Anonymous) "consistently good and sometimes bonkers!" (Tony Jones) "You obviously pi$$ people off a lot" "One Dangerous Lady" (Anonymous) "Clearly a very unpleasant person" (Grace Nicholas, Cornwall)
Saturday, 27 February 2010
Teresa Pearce
ain't Google wunnerful?
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Councillors Chaudhri, Collins, Crisp, Dymond, Green, Hanley, Page, Pugh, Ruhemann, R Stainthorp, and Stevens. | |||
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Apologies: Councillors Hoskin, Janjua and Weston. | |||
The Chair reported that Item 12, 58/64 Northumberland Avenue (application number 04/001436/FUL) had been withdrawn. | |||
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The Minutes of the meeting held on 9 March 2005 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair. | |||
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The following question was asked in accordance with Standing Order 36: | |||
Question from Councillor Crisp: | |||
The Chair of the Planning Applications Committee will be aware of the result of the recent legal action taken by Martin Salter MP against Councillor Wilson and Mr Ewan Cameron. Among their allegations was a claim that Martin Salter placed pressure on council officers and the Leader of the Council to reach a particular decision in my ward. Could he advise me of what action he is taking now that these allegations have been shown to be entirely baseless? | |||
Reply from Councillor Waite (Chair): | |||
I share Councillor Crisp’s concerns. As Chair of this committee I often receive feedback about the planning system in Reading, the vast majority of which is complimentary. It is also clear that this Committee and the planning process is held in high regard. That is due in no small part to the acknowledged integrity of elected members of all parties. | |||
I am sure that it is of concern to all of us that unsubstantiated allegations involving a planning application, decided by this committee, should have been used as part of a personal smear campaign. I have therefore reported this matter to the Chair of the Standards Panel and to the opposition leaders. | |||
I do not believe it is appropriate to discuss this matter further here, and some members may also feel restricted as they are also members of the Standards Panel. But I will ask that the Panel’s findings are reported in full to a future Planning Committee. I'd more or less forgotten about those events. The legal case was lost because the plaintiffs mistakenly llnked the allegations about the planning application with Mr Salter's attempt, back in 1998, to have then Cllr Sutton removed as leader of the council. He changed his mind about this once Cllr Sutton agreed to do Mr Salter's bidding in all things in exchange for Mr S's use of his position as MP entirely to promote Reading Borough Council. Which is what happened, as we know. Sorry this post is coming out like this btw, I don't know how to stop it doing it. But the allegations were not "baseless" at all, as then Cllr Waite was well aware. They were entirely true. Mr Salter had a family connection with the Workers' Educational Association, then based in west central Reading in a building occupied by Pastor Joel Thomas and his church. HIs congregation was growing and he had found new premises in Portman Road Reading, for which he needed planning permission. When he took possession of the POrtman Road building the WEA would become homeless. So Mr Salter said, in my hearing, at a liaison meeting between the Reading MPs and Reading Borough Council leader and officers, "It would be helpful if some obstacles could be put in the way of that planning application". However then Cllr Sutton did not think he could help in this way. That was in June 2002 and it was the last such liaison meeting I attended. I had had enough of the corruption and bullying. Anyway, thanks Mr Google for pointing this out after all this time. |
Friday, 26 February 2010
it feels good
so now we know
“I have a slight problem being the MP for the area because everybody talks to me while I’m fishing,” he grins sardonically. “That’s why I’ve just bought a boat, because then they can’t get to you.”
He plans to spend more time exploring the Thames in his new boat after he stands down from parliament at the next election – a decision taken long before the rush of expenses-driven departures in recent months. At 56, he appears to have more fishing ambitions left than political ones: “If I had a choice between being a member of the cabinet and catching a 3lb roach, I’d probably take the roach.” I don’t think he’s joking.
Thursday, 25 February 2010
come back Tony!
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Tuesday, 23 February 2010
woman on top?
I do not think it is over the top to call Claire Ward a liar. Hopefully she will get her comeuppance in a few weeks and will lose her seat.
For him rather strong language.
oooh, such goings on
bully pulpit
Managers are expected to be tolerant to the last, to watch employees who take liberties with taxpayers’ money and who fail to do their jobs and carry on as if it doesn’t matter. Managers appointed to turn around services that are failing, which often requires pruning the roses somewhat, have their positions undermined and the key card that is played is that of ‘workplace bullying’. I’ve seen it happen in both the Councils on which I served where senior management have folded in the face of accusations that would be considered pathetic in most private businesses. Nothing changes and the public loses every time.
would be interesting to know who he is referring to. Not shamed former chief executive of Reading Borough Council Trish Haines, I imagine. And it does seem a bit, well, er, for a former chair of Reading Labour Party to come over all pious about bullying. Doesn't it?
Monday, 22 February 2010
boys! boys! come back!
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Thursday, 18 February 2010
where does he find them?
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
the barely literate Geordie loser
But what on earth was Labour thinking? what gave you the idea that the MPs who participated in this programme did so at the behest of the party or the whips? bizarre notion. self-aggrandisement is why they did it.Austin Mitchell was clearly not up to it. There were several MPs who could have carried it off and been a credit to their party. so this is how parties get votes these days, by sending people on to reality TV shows? I do not think so John, not even on the wilder fringes of the Reading GC.John Mann, the Bassetlaw MP, once lived in a council flat considerably more squalid than those featured so? quite a few MPs have lived in council flats in their time, does not qualify you to be a "credit to your party" on a reality TV show, Martin Salter in Reading West ah, the boyfriend! the one you wasted your political career in Reading trying to protect from himself, the one who was a director of your company and never declared it, the one you talk to naked every morning is a man who can manage without creature comforts how would anyone know that? he never has, he is a middle-class Jewish boy from Surrey and lives in leafy Tilehurst in some comfort, having previously claimed £40K for a non-existent London property and Don Valley’s Caroline Flint may have misjudged her exit from the Government, no she didn't, she was right but has definitely tolerated at least one Labour Party Young Socialists Summer Camp as part of a tiny minority of non-Trotskyites back before the expulsion of Militant so? - if you can survive torture a Tower block is a doddle. how patronising is that? Labour MPs forced to mingle with working-class people, we can't have THAT now can we?
I’m sure there are others equally capable. And this, I’m afraid, sums up Labour’s problem going into a close election, the political and media judgement of the party’s organisation has repeatedly been found wanting on the most basic of fronts. Be patient John, the call will come one day, they will come crawling to you and ask you to save them with your unrivalled media management skills. Just remember the triumph of the one-way IDR. I know the party leadership does. It is this that has let a Conservative Party that has still failed to date to convince the merge 40%+ needed for what passes as a mandate in this country hold a near winning lead. is this sentence in Albanian?
Despite the manifest failings of the politicians, there were moments that showed that there is still hope. When the 30 or so Dagenham tenants got together at Mark Oaten’s instigation to kick off a campaign to have their blocks demolished they gave short shrift to the BNP councillor who gate crashed their event. Omigod! Working-class people behaving decently and not in a racist way! Unheard of! Some of these oiks do not even read the Guardian! Have a care John, these proletarian johnnies are Not Like Us. You had to cheer. Huzzah! Jolly good show! Carry on, people of Dagenham, and we might just let you vote for us, don't you know!
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
how very dare she?
Dear Ms Griffiths
I am writing to you as the author of the “Jane Is The One” blog, hosted by Blogspot.com.
It has been brought to my attention that a blog entry posted by “Jane” at 09.03 on Thursday 11 February 2010 entitled “Labour candidate for Erith and Thamesmead” contains a report from “a correspondent” which includes inaccurate and defamatory comments about me. Please can you confirm that you are the “Jane” who has posted this blog?
None of the appalling allegations made in the paragraph beginning “Pearce shared…”, are true, save the fact that my husband and I are divorced. I should point out however, that this occurred in 1990 and not in the period 1992-97 as implied.
On the basis that you are the author of this blog entry, and in any event are in overall control of the “Jane Is The One” blog, I ask that you remove this entry from your blog in its entirety immediately. It follows that the five comments about the blog entry should also be removed. If the entry and comments are not removed by 10am tomorrow morning (Wednesday 17 February) I will, regrettably, have to take further steps as soon as possible. I hope that will not be necessary.
If you are unwilling to remove this blog entry please confirm this by return together with your reasons for not doing so.
Yours sincerely
Teresa Pearce
Monday, 15 February 2010
on the carpet
Even the usually mild-mannered Reading Chronicle has weighed in, with an editorial titled "Handcart for Mr Salter". The Reading Evening Post is doing its best to protect him, but with very limited success so far.
get on down there
I'm coming to Reading to speak at Labour's South East regional conference on Saturday February 20th.So I thought why not ask local supporters to pop down for a chat.It's an opportunity for us to meet, chat about what we want from a Labour Fourth Term and get ready for the local and general elections.All Labour members and supporters are invited and attendance is absolutely free!And if you want to join the party, I'll sign you up there and then.Don't worry if you're not a member. Just RSVP to this invite so we can see who's coming from the Go Fourth Facebook group.We'll be in the bar of the Hilton Hotel, Drake Way, Reading, RG2 0GQ 2HQ from 5.30pm.Hope to see you then!
would be nice if he turned out a bit earlier to knock on some doors, perhaps in south Reading close to the venue, you would think Mr Powers, as regional director of the Labour Party and also a candidate in Church ward (2004 three Labour councillors, now, three Tory councillors) would want someone helping out there - wouldn't you? I have always thought John was the best electoral asset the party has, but the leadership of Reading Labour disagrees with me on that and has done little but slag him off since 1997.
Friday, 12 February 2010
the Reading Banner is an arsewipe, discuss
What should politicians do to meet the requirements of an increasing political online community?Communicate – very simple. We have done a lot of research on how MPs communicate. This is mainly through publishing and the new research shows that people don’t want that. They want conversation – they want to be heard. They want to feel like what the MPs are saying is part of a wider conversation with the public and themselves. Not just issuing press releases and appearing for photo opportunities.What are the major differences between now and when the eDemocracy Programme was launched in 1997?What has changed is social media. There is now a culture of conversation online that didn’t exist 10 years ago when it was very much about publishing. The internet was an extra channel of publishing information and to a lesser degree there was the potential to then consult and engage through things like discussion boards. What’s happening now with the developments of Facebook and twitter is that the internet has become a parallel channel for the mainstream media. 10 years ago you were still relying on newspapers, television and radio to get a conversation that was based on their schedules and biases. Now you’ve got blogs, twitter, social media networks broadcasting the stuff around the story’s lifecycle and not the publisher’s lifecycle. Conversations happen when they happen not being based on deadlines.
Food for thought there boys, I hope. You have a good Labour candidate in Reading East who has been deliberately silenced and has no dialogue with the voters, you have, by design, possibly the worst candidate Labour in Reading has ever had in the West, whose only pastime, his old schoolfriends tell us, is calculating the decimal points of pi, and your communication strategies have not changed since the 1980s.
As Beth Ditto sings in "Heavy Cross" (on my new iPod hahahaha)
"you say it's been done so undo it"
"the choice is yours, so choose"
Thursday, 11 February 2010
Labour candidate for Erith and Thamesmead
one Theresa Pearce, whom I have never met, and who is glowingly described by the vile Kevin Maguire thus
and whose doings are reported by a correspondent thus:
Vomit-inducing puff in the vile Kevin McGuire's column in today's Mirror for one Theresa Pearce, Labour candidate for Erith and Thamesmead.
McGuire says how wonderfully 'real' she is - in her fifties, a tax inspector - somebody who knows all about looking after kids, studied at The Universioty of Life rather than Oxbridge and is an absolute cert to win - also will be a divine asset in the new House of Commons.
Pearce shared xxxxxx house with me, xxxx and xxxxxxx at a Party Conference in Brighton prior to 97 and after 92.
She proceeded to get steamingly pissed every night - and on the last night spewed up literally all over the house so we had to pay to get it specially cleaned.
Also, she began a shagging feste with a journalist on the Daily Express at same conference.
Police arrived at conference, sent by her husband who accused her of abandoning her children. She was supposed to pick up her kids from school but left them in the lurch while she pursued shag feste with Express journalist.
Police drove her to a special meeting at the school with the headteacher and her husband. So she had to abandon the conference.
Husband divorced her.
So, this is the example of sublime womanhood promoted by McGuire.
I think that we should be told .........
refused to back Iraq
Clare Short had far greater access to information and intelligence data about Saddam’s real threat to world peace than the rest of us 139 backbenchers who refused to back not "voted against" as you told everyone who would listen Martin. You abstained on that vote, possibly the most important one in any UK Parliament since the 1930s, at the urging of the whips. and then lied about it. Proud of yourself? the March 2003 invasion of Iraq. Did this former Cabinet Minister seriously think that bombing Iraq was going to help kick start the Middle East peace talks or improve relations between the Arab world and the West? Probably not, but she was wrong. It did. Did she really cast aside all her worries about the illegality of the war in the absence of a second UN resolution on the promise of international rebuilding of the bomb-damaged country? No. She got pissed and changed her mind twice. Read Robin Cook’s resignation speech on 18 March 2003, it’s all there. Pity you weren't there to hear it Martin. What was more important that day?
Tony Blair was horribly wrong he was absolutely right about supporting the American invasion of Iraq there was no American invasion, which even you know Martin I am sure, but an invasion by allies, but at least he didn’t try and insult our intelligence by rewriting history at the Chilcot inquiry.
Shame he didn’t say sorry, though. for what? winning elections?
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
in perpetuity
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
well, it's a start
Amnesty International
still dunvotin
Monday, 8 February 2010
still happy, Guardian readers?
(AFP) – 2 days ago
PESHAWAR, Pakistan — Taliban militants blew up a girls' school on Saturday in northwest Pakistan, the latest in a wave of attacks by Islamist extremists targeting educational institutions, a minister said.
No one was hurt in the attack, which took place in the village of Huwaid, eight kilometres (five miles) north of the town of Bannu.
"The explosive material was planted at three different places in the girls' primary school, which completely destroyed five out of seven rooms of the building," provincial education minister Sardar Hussain Babak said.
He blamed the attack on Taliban, saying they were "opposed to girls' education".
Senior police official Iqbal Marwat confirmed the incident. He added: "No one was hurt in the explosion as it occurred at 6:00 am (0100 GMT)."
Pakistan's military is engaged in offensives against Islamist fighters across much of the northwest including tribal areas bordering Afghanistan, a region branded by Washington the most dangerous place on Earth.
About 30,000 Pakistani troops poured into South Waziristan in mid-October to try and dismantle strongholds of the Taliban leadership, enraging militants who have responded with a surge of bomb blasts and attacks
or would you have preferred it if Lots Of Girls Had Been Killed? because Let's Not Follow the Bush and Blair Agenda. Oh No.
Saturday, 6 February 2010
did you spot it?
give me an answer, do
spectacular own goal? I think not
Friday, 5 February 2010
and while we're on the subject of the dirty media
two MPs to face fraud charges
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
f'''king hell
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
it's still going on

Also, the MP in Portsmouth North (Mrs McCarthy Fry) is being opposed by an RMT Union funded opponent (Mick Tosh, a Trotskyist) standing as "Trade Unionists Socialist Challenge" or TUSC, on the basis that she does not show sufficient support for working class issues. She has been a Unite member all her working life, she says.
It looks like the Peoples Party still hasn't qute got hold of the idea of strong independently minded women representing them. I wonder if Daisy Benson would ever have been selected as a Parliamentary Candidate if she had remained a member of the Labour Party?
Great questions to which the answer is No.
a straw man
Reply to Mr White from Cllr Page
I thank Mr White for his petition but very much regret the mischief-making and scaremongering agenda oh no you've rumbled us we were trying to keep that secret that lay behind this petition. There is no threat whatsoever to the playing fields. we have always been at war with EurasiaThe Site Allocations Document is now known as the Sites and Detailed Policies Document, so now we've changed its name that's all right then and the draft document is to be discussed at this meeting. which we had to be dragged kicking and screaming into doing The Thames Valley University playing fields are not included in the Sites and Detailed Policies Document, and there is therefore no need to remove them. oh yes they are, read the document and see below The existing built form of the TVU site, along with the areas used for parking, are included as an allocation primarily for education. Should it not be required for education then the policy does allow for residential see? and there are no plans to build any more schools in that area, but it is clear, and explicitly stated on page 94 of the latest document we hoped you wouldn't read that far that this would not include the adjacent playing fields.The whole Crescent Road campus, including the playing fields, was included as a candidate site in an earlier consultation version of the Site Allocations Document in 2008 we had it down to build on all along, you bastards, you spotted it, as it had been nominated for development by the University a big boy did it and ran away – not the Council. so who gives planning permission then? The Council consulted on all of the approximately 100 sites that had been nominated for development, as it is required to do. and the Greens have been responding, which we have decided to call "scaremongering"The document explicitly stated on several occasions that the Council did not necessarily endorse any sites. The playing fields are among a number of sites consulted on in 2008 that are not included in the current draft document. no - now we have been rumbled we are simply going to hem it in with car parking and prevent public access until in due course there is residential development on the site and the by-then-disused playing fields are covered with condoms and needles and sold off to another developer.
Well done boys. Nice try, better luck next time.
In the name of God, go.
Monday, 1 February 2010
proud to be friends
The Iraqi people now have the right to build their own freedom and are deeply grateful to British prime ministers Sir John Major, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, for their assistance.
At the time, I and other leaders of the Iraqi opposition asked Mr Blair's government to help the Iraqi people get rid of the dictatorship. And we praise the bravery and sacrifice of British troops.
We suffered under Saddam Hussein in ways that too many in the international community seem to have forgotten. His regime was a republic of fear, which slaughtered Iraqis on an industrial scale and attacked our neighbours. We are fortunate he has gone and that we have a chance to rebuild our society.
Iraq is one of the historical founts of modern civilisation. Our tragedy is that Saddam pillaged our potential for his own purposes.
Now that he is gone we have a great opportunity to overcome our isolation from decades of modernity and to rebuild our links with the international community. Our second parliamentary elections, on 7 March, will provide an opportunity to consolidate our growing democracy and further isolate those who use the bomb and the gun against the will of our own people.
We, as a people, have a great regard for and affection towards the British and we are seeking deep, broad and long-term relationships with your politicians, academics, sporting groups and businesses.
We are a potentially rich country but our legacy is a poor one. We value the ability of British business to unlock our resources through increased investment and by trading with us. Iraq is becoming increasingly open to commerce, which is a means of giving our people the better way of life that they seek and deserve.
It would also be in Britain's interest to continue its relationship with us. We are proud to be your friends and hope that you will always be our friends, working together for the common good of humanity.
The author is the first non-Arab president of Iraq and founder of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan
So there we have it. The Iraqi opposition asked for help and got it. And the Guardian readers are very cross that they did. But this bloke - who is he, just a brown-skin bloke from somewhere foreign, probably doesn't even read the Guardian and has never heard of Yasmin Alibhai-Brown.