Wednesday, 12 August 2009

you decide who has the more to offer

Angie Merkel (left) is exactly my age, we were born the same month. She doesn't usually show that much cleavage (or indeed any). No more do I. Not fitting once there is a possibility of tit-wrinkle in a certain light. You know what I mean girls, don't pretend you don't. I actually thought this ad ( the slogan means "We have more to offer", fnar fnar) was rather witty. Because it allowed whoever wanted to to make boob jokes. When the ad hadn't. So the sexist German men (I'm sure there must be some, despite appearances, they can't all be gay film directors or football commentators in bad suits who pretend to prefer commentating on the women's game) could do exactly that. But what interests me is the take on it of the likes of Iain Dale and other males on teh internetz, who wonder aloud what might be the consequences by contrast of some kind of lunchbox-package political advertising scenario featuring (for the sake of argument) D. Cameron Esquire versus - well, name your male pol cand. Not. Going. To. Happen. Dicks aren't funny. Ridiculous yes. But not funny. Not in politics. Too close to home for most candidates. So an opportunity has been seized here with both hands (arf, arf). Ay thang yew.

Anyway, who in German politics is going to benefit most from this ad, readers?


Santa said...

'Ding dong Merrily on High'

campanologist said...

My ding a ling etc

Anonymous said...

"no more do I".
Apologies (if needed) for being sexist, but tell us, or show us, what you used to reveal!
Actually, that's not sexist,just normal.

janestheone said...

L9 - nope.

Secret Snacker said...

lunchboxes at dawn!

But Perfectly Formed said...

Totties' Top Todgers!

Anonymous said...

You've got to have a lot of front to appear on a poster like that.

Anonymous said...

'10 green bottles, hanging on the wall - and if one green bottle, should accidentally fall...'