Tuesday 27 December 2011


must be a relief in these recession-hit times to get a Real Paying Job. As a Real Funded Lobbyist. Especially when there is only the parliamentary pension to rely upon. Look at this: (No prizes for guessing who is talking here)

" After an 18 month break to re-charge my batteries it's great to be back and fighting for fishing. I particularly grateful to Mark Lloyd at the AT and Naidre Werner at the ATA for giving me the opportunity to put my skills, experience and contacts to good use and for the benefit of the sport we all love.

My first job is to recruit some high profile ambassadors to help me raise the profile of the Angling Trust so that it can become a really strong and powerful voice for recreational fishing and the environment. I'm particularly keen to get some effective outcomes from the current Defra review of cormorant predation which has caused so much damage to fish stocks.

I am already lined up to attend a range of ministerial and other meetings and will be addressing conferences and supporting the excellent work of Angling Trust campaigners Mark Owen (Freshwater) and David Mitchell (Sea Angling) and the legal team headed by Justin Neal. I will be the main point of contact with my former colleagues on the All Party Parliamentary Group on Angling and will be developing and helping to implement a wider angling and fisheries campaign strategy for 2012."

Lobbyist. The Japanese company Daiwa has been vocal in its support for this appointment. Why? And do they know about the GBP 40K plus expenses fraud?

Anyway, congratulations, Martin. A word to the wise - when you put on the drinks bashes at the Commons don't let the promotion girlies get at the wine before the punters do. Oh and when you send out the invites check the affiliations of the MPs you are targeting. Those who are signed up to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (a UK organisation which has more members than most trade unions do) are unlikely to be keen on a Kill The Cormorants For Labour bash. Hein?

Hat-tip L9.


Westminster Watch said...

Look - some of us know that he was advised to stand down in a discreet fashion because of his increased drinking habit.

It is not wise to have Martin arranging any drinking receptions at Westminster -certainly not for his political party - assuming he still belongs to it .

Anonymous said...

Who advised him?

Augustus Carp said...

A word of caution! I am not entirely sure of the details, because Japanese corporate organisations seem pretty opaque to me, but I think that there is a separate Daiwa company that manufactures sportswear goods, particularly fishing tackle; I don't think it's got anything to do with Daiwa Bank, the multinational capitalists.

janestheone said...

Yes Gus you are right, I was merely suggesting that there is corporate money behind this lobbying effort, and that it is not only a caring sharing "let's get the kids fishing" kind of outfit.

Jonny said...

Membership of the APPG on Angling is here: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm/cmallparty/register/register.pdf

(Can't be bothered to copy it).

Anonymous said...

It is a caring sharing "let's get the kids fishing" kind of outfit. It cares for its profits; it wants to share its advertising; and it wants to get the kids fishing with its products and no-one elses.