Thursday, 10 January 2013

I love you, Richard Parker

Life of Pi. Quite wonderful. Counts as one of my films of 2012 because I saw it on New Year's Eve. That's all.


Anonymous said...

I worship Richard Parker. His wonderful cattish and scratching movements; his shoulders and his tail. Win the Oscar, Ang Lee -ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

But is it as good as the book??

janestheone said...

Yes. It is what the book needed.

Anonymous said...

I went to see it in trepidation, being such a fan of Richard Parker , I could not imagine how this would or could work. It surpasses all expectations and I hope it cleans up at the Oscars. As it should.

Not that it will CARE one way or the other -- THAT is the essence of Richard Parker.