Monday, 28 January 2013

blood libel

Gerald Scarfe
the Sunday Times published this cartoon on Holocaust Memorial Day. I think they have crossed a line. This is blood libel. What do you think?

Six degrees of separation - i have never met Gerald Scarfe, but there is a kind of connection. I once had an American intern, a delightful young woman, whose boyfriend was the son of Gerald Scarfe and Jane Asher. She lived in their house in Chelsea while she was working for me. She and Scarfe junior came to my 50th birthday party in Reading.

I am however utterly dismayed by this cartoon. The fact that it has been published (and Scarfe is not known for pulling punches cartoon-wise, a good thing too) shows that this view is quite mainstream these days. And I don't like that. Apart from anything else it does not help any peace process in Israel/Palestine.

Tell me in the comments what you think.


Anonymous said...

Rather than inform us what does not help the peace process it would be far more interesting to hear from you what you believe might help the peace process. As far as I am aware nobody anywhere from any side is doing anything at all.

janestheone said...

maybe first clarify the aims - I would support two states on pre 1967 borders and an end to settlements. Jerusalem a shared capital. It could be done.

Anonymous said...

above ... " it would be far more interesting to hear from you what you believe might help the peace process "

How about if the Palestinian side sat down with the Israeli side? So
which side is refusing to meet with the other one?

janestheone said...

you tell me, anyway there are no talks