Monday 29 August 2011

wonderful to have you back with us, sir

now, do you have anything you would like to share with our readers?  I am thinking of putting the Chronicle up for Humorous Journalism of the Year, if a thing exists.  Where to begin?  Mr S informed them that he had gone fishing in Arnhem Land:

Mr Salter travelled to Sydney, Adelaide, Melbourne, Darwin, Perth and Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory, which required special permission to enter, during his year out

the wonders of Google allowed me to discover, in approximately 12 seconds, that Arnhem Land is in fact this , an area of ecological sensitivity in the north of Australia, which may be visited by anyone who wishes, within the law, but to which visitors are recommended to go with an organised tour with an accredited company.  The Chronicle didn't bother.


Mr Salter told The Chronicle he will not be standing for an elected office no plans at present anyway, hmmm and plans to train as a teacher to begin a PGCE you need to have graduated from university, which Mr S has not.  If you are over the age of 55 you are most unlikely to receive any funding.  The Chronicle did not ask Mr S about this, work as a campaign co-ordinator in the recreational fishing sector and continue his voluntary work when did he last do any?  the Chronicle does not ask with Whitley Excellence Cluster and Aspire2 - particularly on the Ufton Court residential education centre project.

Hilarious.  The Evening Post at its most fawning (several years ago they published that I had gone back to Reading, untrue, and when challenged by me on this the editor said it had been published because "Martin insisted") could not even aspire to this.

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