Thursday 6 January 2011


this blog award has been going for an amazing 10 years - I have been blogging for five.  Do nominate any blog you think deserves recognition - several of the better-known blogs around are barred from being nominated because they have already won at least three times.  This does not include yours truly.  You have to nominate at least three blogs, all of which must have published at least one post in 2010, and there are quite a lot of categories, including "Topical" for a blog about, say, teapots, which does not fit into any of the other categories.  I do not mind saying that I have nominated Mr London Street and Norm.   Just a bit of fun...

1 comment:

  1. That is really kind of you - thanks Jane, and thanks for all your support.

    (My word verification is "press". Odd.)
