Wednesday, 4 August 2010

defining success down

is what Paul Krugman says in the New York Times is being done in the US, so that structural high employment is likely to become acceptable to government.  I fear he is right, and that Barack Obama has not offered leadership on the economy (he does not say this) and that millions of Americans may be consigned to the econmic dustbin.  I fear too that there are influential figures in the new UK government who think the same way.  Read the piece, it is worth it, and tell me what you think.


  1. Don't worry dear, it won't affect the EU gravy train. All aboard !

  2. why would I worry about the "EU gravy train"?

  3. Have you read Gore Vidal and/or listened to him on the topic of the American empire? Maybe I should read Decline and Fall of that long gone empire based in Rome, about which when in Rome I thought the Italians still hanker after (or did in 1963).
