Friday 18 September 2009

he thinks he's a foodie

so 1980s, the word "foodie", hein? Anyway, my attention has been drawn to a blog of sorts produced by former Cllr John Howarth (prop. Public Image Ltd, remember "Your Better Off With Labour"?); it is to be found here and I have linked to it on the sidebar under "Barely Literate Geordie Loser" - obviously. I very rarely use a spellchecker myself, no need, hem hem, but they have their uses, as any fule kno - except former Cllr Howarth, clearly.

1 comment:

  1. Blog? I think not, it's mostly a collection of writings done for the dead tree media. Typically Reading Labour there's no interaction, it's all broadcast and no chance for a discussion with anyone who might want to have a dialogue. Reading Labour under their Howarth guise don't do dialogue, they tell us what is good for us and we listen. They aren't interested in our views.
